News Archive
Miha Ravnik co-organises a one-week workshop on Recent challenges in the mathematical design of new materials at Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge between 18 and 22 August 2025.
The paper Many-defect solutions in planar nematics: interactions, spiral textures and boundary conditions by Simon Čopar and Žiga Kos was featured on the inside front cover of Soft Matter in September 2024.
Miha Ravnik received the Mid-Career Award issued by the International Liquid Crystal Society at the 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held in July 2024.
The Workshop on Ferroelectric Nematic Liquid Crystals was co-organized by our group members and took place at Jožef Stefan Institute between 29 and 31 May 2024.
Gregor Pirnat, Matevž Marinčič, Miha Ravnik, and Matjaž Humar published a paper in PNAS: Quantifying local stiffness and forces in soft biological tissues using droplet optical microcavities.
Miha Ravnik received the Golden Plaque award for outstanding scientific and pedagogical contributions at the University of Ljubljana in November 2023.
Nika Kralj, Miha Ravnik, and Žiga Kos published a paper in Physical Review Letters on Defect line coarsening and refinement in active nematics in March 2023.
Maruša Mur, Žiga Kos Miha Ravnik and Igor Muševič published a paper in Nature Communications on Continuous generation of topological defects in a passively driven nematic liquid crystal in November 2022.
Miha Ravnik was promoted to a full professor at University of Ljubljana in October 2022.
Professor Slobodan Žumer was awarded the 2022 Pierre Gillles de Gennes ILCS Prize by the International Liquid Crystal Society (ILCS) in recognition of his creative explorations and breakthrough contributions to the understanding of soft matter.
Topological defect-propelled swimming of nematic colloids in Science Advances.
Nematic Colloidal Micro-Robots as Physically Intelligent Systems in Advanced Functional Materials.
Nematic bits and universal logic gates in Science Advances.
Measure of overlap between two arbitrary ellipses on a sphere in Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
Deep tissue localization and sensing using optical microcavity probes in Nature Communications.
Dr. Žiga Kos was awarded the Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem prize for his PhD thesis Microfluidic structures from nematic liquid crystals defended in 2019 at our department. Congratulations!
Miha Ravnik receives Slovenian research agency (ARRS) award for exellence in science (Odlični v znanosti). .
Topological liquid crystal superstructures as structured light lasers in PNAS.
Urban Mur. PhD thesis defense .
Miha Ravnik receives the Blinc Award for physicists at the beginning of their career.
Nika Kralj receives the best poster pitch (Active coarsening dynamics) award at the FLC2021 conference.
Ionically charged topological defects in nematic fluids in PRX.
Control of Light by Topological Solitons in Soft Chiral Birefringent Media in PRX receives a physics focus story.
Chirality-Enhanced Periodic Self-Focusing of Light in Soft Birefringent Media in PRL.
Mitja Zidar PhD thesis defense .
Anja Pusovnik PhD thesis defense .
Three-Dimensional Active Defect Loops in Physical Review Letters.
Microfluidic control over topological states in channel-confined nematic flows in Nature Communications.
Electroshock tuning of photonic crystals in Nature Materials.
Miha Ravnik receives Zois Recognition for important achievements in soft matter physics.
Slobodan Žumer receives the Freéderiksz Medal of the Russian Liquid Crystal Society.
Topology of Three-Dimensional Active Nematic Turbulence Confined to Droplets in PRX.
Spotting plants’ microfilament morphologies and nanostructures in PNAS.
High-order elastic multipoles as colloidal atoms in Nature Communications.
Dr. Guilhem Poy is awarded Marie Curie fellowship (in collaboration with S. Žumer).
Sculpting stable structures in pure liquids in Science Advances.
Žiga Kos PhD thesis defense .
Shun Wang PhD thesis defense .
doc. dr. Simon Čopar receives Prometej award.
Monday physics colloquium, doc. dr. S. Čopar: Patterning of liquid crystal textures.
Elusive torque sensed by liquid crystals in Nature.
Simon Čopar receives Certificate of recognition for young higher education teachers and staff.
Mosaics of topological defects in micropatterned liquid crystal textures in Science Advances.
Jure Aplinc PhD thesis defense .
Simon Čopar successfully co-leads the organisation of 2018 European Union Science Olympiad .
Prof. Dr. Slobodan Žumer becomes Physical Review X editorial board member .
Dr. Jeffrey Everts is awarded Marie Curie fellowship .
Visit by 2016 Nobel Prize winner prof. Duncan Haldane (Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3).
Active nematic emulsions in Science Advances.
Slobodan Žumer receives Zois Award for lifetime achievements.
Slobodan Žumer is awarded APS Fellowship.
Spontaneous formation and dynamics of half-skyrmions in a chiral liquid-crystal film in Nature Physics.
10th Liquid Matter Conference highlighted in News from the EPS< 10th Liquid Matter Conference co-organized by the group members.
Visit from a PRX editor dr. Dario Corradini.
Cross-talk between topological defects in different fields revealed by nematic microfluidics in PNAS.
Žiga Kos receives Best Poster Award at 14th European Conference on Liquid Crystals.
Hidden topological constellations and polyvalent charges in chiral nematic droplets in Nature Communications.
Fractal nematic colloids in Nature Communications.
Sensing surface morphology of biofibers by decorating spider silk and cellulosic filaments with nematic microdroplets in PNAS.
Knot theory realizations in nematic colloids in PNAS.
Light-controlled topological charge in Nature Physics.
Miha Ravnik receives the Honorary award for best junior university professors.
Slobodan Žumer receives Honored Member Award of the ILCSOC.
Simon Čopar receives Glenn Brown Prize and Jozef Stefan Golden Emblem prize.
Quasicrystalline tilings with platelets in PNAS.
Recent publication in Physics Reports.
Knitting in cholesteric droplets in Nature Communications.
Mutually tangled colloidal knots in Nature Materials.
Work on 3D colloidal lattices featured as a "June's Hot Paper" and back cover.
Simon Čopar prepared a Front Cover image for the special issue of Soft Matter.
LC Necklaces: featured as a Front Cover and "July's Hot Paper".
Invited APS viewpoint by Miha Ravnik.
Recent publication in Nature Communications.
Cover and publication in Soft Matter.
Slobodan Žumer receives Paper Award A of Japanese LC Society.
RSC Publishing features our publication as a "Hot Paper".
Recent publication in PNAS.
Miha Ravnik receives Marie Curie Career Integration Grant.
Publication, perspective and highlight in Science.
Visit of the president of the Republic of Slovenia (UL, UL FMF).
Skyrmions in Blue Phases: Nature Communications, AIST, UL FMF.
Miha Ravnik receives Jozef Stefan Golden Emblem prize.
Recent publication in PNAS.
Simon Čopar wins the faculty competition in reciting the number Pi.
Featured research group by Soft Matter World - the web`s resource on soft condensed matter.
Recent publication in Nature Photonics and Cover page