We are always interested in applications from excellent individuals who would want to join or visit our group to work on selected projects from theory and/or modelling of general soft matter, including complex fluids, colloids, liquid crystals, fluidics, photonics, complex optics, and protein biophysics.
The projects are regularly tailored to suit the interests of the student.
We are happy also to support various joint fellowship, grants and scholarship applications to bilateral, EU (Marie Curie) or other funding agencies, having quite some experience in these actions. Our group also regularly aplies for Slo, EU... grants and possibilities may open also on a very short notice. Therefore, if interested in joining our team, send us an email with your CV and a brief motivation, and we will be happy to discuss possibilites.
Undergradutate students: we regularly work on multiple student projects, also supported as "študentsko delo". Write to us or just come to see us about possibilities.
Selected recently completed MSc and PhD theses
PhD theses:
Andraž Gnidovec (2024): Structural order in anisotropically interacting systems on spherical surfaces
Mitja Štimulak (2022): Photonic crystals based on liquid crystal structures
Urban Mur (2021): Photonic modes in anisotropic topological soft matter
Mitja Zidar (2020): Analysis and prediction of aggregation and degradation in protein-based biopharmaceuticals
Anja Pusovnik (2020): Flow of light in metamaterials based on nematic fluids
Žiga Kos (2019): Microfluidic structures from nematic liquid crystals
Jure Aplinc (2018): Field structures in active and passive liquid crystals
MSc theses:
Matic Petrič (2023): Vpliv fleksoelektričnosti na tekoče kristalne modre faze
Maša Lah (2022): Fizikalna optimizacija procesov čiščenja bioloških zdravil
Jaša Gašperin (2022): Razvoj korelacij v direktorskem polju nematske tekočekristalne lupine
Jaka Zaplotnik (2021): Določanje elastičnih konstant nematskega tekočega kristala z uporabo nevronskih mrež
Ana Rebeka Kamšek (2021): Algoritmi za obdelavo slik elektronske mikroskopije pri atomski ločljivosti
Peter Ropač (2021): Samopodobni fotonski kristali
Nika Kralj (2020): Modeliranje časovne in temperaturne odvisnosti različno nabitih proteinskih variant
Aljaž Draškovič-Bračun (2020): Akustične metatekočine s splošnimi makromolekulskimi oscilatorji
Danijel Vidaković (2020): Ureditvena stanja ograjenega nematskega linearnega polimera v kontinuumskem opisu s tenzorsko vezjo
Rok Geršak (2019): Numerično modeliranje interakcij na meji dveh tekočekristalnih medijev
Andraž Gnidovec (2019): Urejanje točkastih multipolov na sferi
Uroš Markoja (2018): Modeliranje agregacije proteinov kot efektivnih koloidnih delcev
Matevž Marinčič (2018): Kiralnost v aktivnih nematikih
Rok Prislan (2018): Modeliranje akustike prostora z naprednimi žarkovnimi metodami
Urban Mur (2017): Adaptirana Jonesova metoda za modeliranje polarizacijske mikroskopije nematskih struktur
Jaka Pišljar (2017): Tok svetlobe skozi nematsko strukturo dvojno zvitega cilindra
Tilen Potisk (2017): Macroscopic dynamics of ferromagnetic nematics