Papers published in 2022:
Y. Xu, Y. Yao, W. Deng, J-C Fang, R. L. Dupont, M. Zhang, S. Čopar, U. Tkalec and X. Wang, Magnetocontrollable droplet mobility on liquid crystal-infused porous surfaces, Nano Research (2022). [Link] [PDF]
A. Gnidovec, A. Božič and S. Čopar, Dense packings of geodesic hard ellipses on a sphere, Soft Matter 18, 7670-7678 (2022). [Link] [PDF]
N. Kravets, U. Mur, M. Ravnik, S. Zumer and E. Brasselet, Active rejection-enhancement of spectrally adaptive liquid crystal geometric phase vortex coronagraphs, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 241104 (2022). [Link] [PDF].
M. Mur, Z. Kos, M. Ravnik, and I. Musevic, Continuous generation of topological defects in a passively driven nematic liquid crystal, Nat. Comm. 13, 6855 (2022). [Link] [PDF]
T. Yao, Ž. Kos, Q. X. Zhang, Y. Luo, E. B. Steager, M. Ravnik, K. J. Stebe, Topological defect-propelled swimming of nematic colloids, Sci. Adv. 8, eabn8176 (2022). [Link] [PDF]
Ž. Kos and J. Dunkel , Nematic bits and universal logic gates, Sci. Adv. 8, eabp8371 (2022). [Link] [PDF]
T. Yao, Ž. Kos, Q. X. Zhang, Y. Luo, F. Serra, E. B. Steager, M. Ravnik, and K. J. Stebe, Nematic Colloidal Micro-Robots as Physically Intelligent Systems, Adv. Func. Mater. 2205546 (2022). [Link] [PDF]
G. Poy, A. J. Hess, A. J. Seracuse, M. Paul, S. Žumer and I. I. Smalyukh, Interaction and co-assembly of optical and topological solitons, Nat. Photon. 16, 454–461 (2022). [Link] [PDF]
A. Gnidovec, A. Božič, U. Jelerčič and S. Čopar, Measure of overlap between two arbitrary ellipses on a sphere , Proc. R. Soc. A 478, 2261 (2022). [Link] [PDF].
U. Mur and M. Ravnik, Numerical modeling of optical modes in topological soft matter , Opt. Express 30, 14393-14407 (2022). [Link] [PDF].
A. Kavčič, M. Garvas, M. Marinčič, K. Unger, A.M. Coclite, B. Majaron and M. Humar, Deep tissue localization and sensing using optical microcavity probes , Nat. Comm. 13, 1269 (2022). [Link] [PDF].
U. Mur, M. Ravnik and D. Seč, Controllable shifting, steering, and expanding of light beam based on multi-layer liquid-crystal cells , Sci. Rep. 12, 352 (2022). [Link] [PDF].
J. Fukuda, A. Nych, U. Ognysta, S. Žumer and I. Muševič, Liquid crystalline half-Skyrmions and their optical properties , Annalen der Physik, 2100336 (2022). [Link] [PDF].
J. Pišljar, S. Ghosh, S. Turlapati, N. V. S. Rao, M. Škarabot, A. Mertelj, A. Petelin, A. Nych, M. Marinčič, A. Pusovnik, M. Ravnik, and I. Muševič, Blue phase III: Topological fluid of skyrmions, Phys. Rev. X 12, 011009 (2022). [Link] [PDF].